Aluminium box melting aluminum influencing factors

Aluminum is an active metal and has a strong reducibility. The outer track of Aluminium is not filled with electrons, and the outer track of A13+ is empty, so they easily accept the electrons of the ligand and form a complex. Aluminum boxes have many applications in the storage of soil samples. In addition, drinking water, foods, and beverages are likely to contain oxidizing substances such as Cu, +, Fe3, and Nospears, and ligands such as organic acids may also exist, which promote the dissolution of aluminum in aluminum enamel cutlery. However, when aluminum is exposed to the air, an Al edge is quickly formed on the surface: the film, which has a protective effect on aluminum. The experiment of this study. 2.lpH and oxidant effects The concentration of oxidants in each solution is the upper limit of current drinking water hygiene standards. It can be seen that under neutral and slightly alkaline conditions, even when heated to boiling, CuZ 10 and No Also very little, this shows the A120. The protective effect of the film is strong.

When the aluminum box encounters acidic substances during the application, when the acidity increases, the H10 is easily associated with A12o. An acid-base reaction occurred, the protective film was destroyed, and aluminum was oxidized and dissolved in large quantities. Once the film is destroyed, H+ is also an oxidant for aluminum. Especially under the heating conditions, the HZ produced by H+ reduction easily escapes from the solution, prompting the reaction ZAI+6H+homogeneous ZA13++3H2 to proceed to the right. Therefore, H+ in solution plays a dual role here.

The application of aluminum box found that due to the different electrode potential of each oxidizing solution, there was a difference in the amount of dissolved aluminum, and the amount of dissolved solution containing NO was higher than that of solutions containing 犷u2+ and Fe3+. According to another report, the content of nitrite in tap water boiled in aluminum pots increased, and No "is likely to produce NO-2 by aluminum.

Fish Soluble Paste Production System

Zhejiang Longyuan Sifang Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd. ,