Copper recycling method

The invention relates to a method of recovering copper , the method comprising the steps of:
(a) biologically oxidizing copper sulfide concentrate in the form of a slurry to dissolve copper into soluble copper sulfate;
(b) subjecting the slurry to solid/liquid separation to produce a solution having a high copper concentration;
(c) treating the solution with a solvent extractant to exchange copper ions with hydrogen ions by the reagent to produce a residual liquid which is high in sulfuric acid and low in copper sulfate;
(d) eluting the solvent extractant with a sulfuric acid solution;
(e) accumulating copper from a sulfuric acid solution;
(f) using at least a portion of the raffinate from step (c) in step (a).

Inert Gas Air Classifier

Mianyang Liuneng Powder Equipment Co., Ltd ,