Non-invasive infrared blood glucose sensor GlucoSenz is close to commercialization

After seven years of research and development, a research team from Malaysia said that its photonics-based non-invasive blood glucose detector is close to commercial promotion.

The blood glucose meter was developed by the Photonics Technology Laboratory at the MIMOS National Research and Development Center. Researchers say the "GlucoSenz" prototype combines near-infrared spectroscopy and stoichiometry to measure the absorbance of a person's thumb.


According to MIMOS, the technology represents the world's "first clinically tested non-invasive blood screening prototype." The team added that they have passed an ethical review by the relevant Malaysian authorities and are expected to commercialize the miniaturization unit by the end of next year.

The researchers explained, "When using the device, you need to put your thumb on the thumb module and project the detection light, then collect the reflected light through the fiber optic probe, which leads the light to the detector. Then through the built-in software module Spectral analysis was performed to finally display blood glucose levels in mmol/l (mmol/L) on the LED display."

Mohd Shahiman, senior director of MIMOS R&D, said, "The launch of GlucoSenz marks the advanced electronic and electrical sector of MIMOS, especially the photonics R&D team."

Photonic technology developers have long been concerned about the opportunities for near-infrared spectroscopy in the field of blood glucose monitoring. Research teams from Ghent University in Belgium, Leeds University in the United Kingdom, and Princeton University in the United States also collaborate. A similar approach has been developed that is expected to end the need for diabetics to pierce the skin in order to obtain reliable measurements from a single drop of blood.

Other technologies based on radio waves, current, sweat monitoring, and even smart contact lenses are also being developed. However, according to the October 2017 issue of The Pharmaceutical Journal, the above techniques have never proven their effectiveness.

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The existing device is a seven-year research and development achievement of the MIMOS Photonics Technology Lab. Shahiman is expected to have a significant impact on healthcare providers and economic interests, and will also improve patient comfort and convenience.

Shahiman added, “A non-invasive, non-invasive blood glucose meter that protects health care workers from occupational exposure to infected blood. In the long run, hospitals and clinics will also be able to reduce costs because alcohol is no longer needed. Cotton swabs, lancets and test strips."

Researchers are working to miniaturize the device, with the goal of producing the first mini prototype for testing in the middle of 2019. The technology platform is also licensed to non-designated local medical device companies.

“GlucoSenz is a potential replacement for traditional blood glucose meters because of its ease of use and high precision performance,” Shahiman said. “There is a huge market potential for this product, and countries with high levels of diabetes and obesity should pay attention to this.”

Founded ten years ago, the MIMOS Photonics Technology Lab initially focused on quantum cryptography and is now focused on sensor development in food safety, environmental, aquaculture, and life science applications.

Other technologies for MIMOS research include microelectronics, and its national laboratories have a proud expertise in MEMS, semiconductor wafer fabrication and testing.

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