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3D model of two-stage cylindrical gear reducer and its motion and assembly simulation research Wang Chunxiang\Sun Hongjun1,2(1.Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010, China; 2. Kailuo Electromechanical General Factory, Tangshan 063018, Hebei Province) Straight Tooth and Oblique 3D geometric design, virtual assembly and disassembly animation and motion simulation of the components and the whole machine of the cylindrical reducer, and the modeling method of the key parts gears is emphasized.
1 Introduction With the development and maturity of computer-aided series CAX (CAEyCAM/CAE...), its application range is also wider and wider. PTC's Pir/E (Ro/Engineering) software is a class of advanced CAECAM large-scale system. It is very powerful and uses this software to design and visually and accurately reflect the shape and assembly relationship of parts and components (components). And can simulate the actual motion situation of the mechanism and the assembly sequence and assembly process of the whole machine on the computer. This paper takes the two-stage involute helical gear reducer as an example, and briefly introduces the work of 3D geometric modeling and motion simulation and animation function of R/E in mechanical CAD and CAE.
2The establishment of the 3D simulation geometry model of the reducer This paper introduces the working principle and transmission arrangement of the secondary cylindrical gear reducer as shown. The transmission parts in the reducer body consist of two pairs of gears, low speed and high speed. The high speed stage is helical gear transmission and the low speed stage is spur gear transmission (here, the gear face shape is selected as the most common involute curve). The general order of the model design should be (1) transmission design; (2) design of shaft, key and bearing assembly parts; (3) frame and hook and other accessories design.
The cylindrical gear reducer shown has dozens of parts, and the creation of each part model is large and complicated. Among all the components, the gear profile of the gear is a specific general curve that should be accurately created for transmission and motion simulation, and the practice also shows that the 3D modeling of the gear teeth is high and reliable. Save energy, the motor is never overloaded, and the system can store large amounts of data for later query, analysis, and printing.
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