Biologists at Macquarie University in Australia said that like other animals, fish have feelings and wisdom and should be treated better. He found that fish had good memory and lived in the community, learning together. The behavior of fish is somewhat similar to that of primates. They can even construct complex structures and use tools. The XCMG GR Series Motor Graders are mainly used in ground leveling ,canalling , slope scraping ,earthmoving ,scarification or snow removal work on road, airfield ,farmland ,and so on .They are necessary construction machines for national defense engineering ,mine construction, town and country roads building ,and farmland improvement XCMG Motor Grader, XCMG GR165 Motor Grader, GR165 Motor Grader, 170HP Motor Grader,160HP Motor Grader Jinan Tengde Equipment Co., Ltd. ,
Although the brains of fish differ from other vertebrates, they contain structures that perform similar functions. There is also increasing evidence that fish can feel pain like humans. Although scientists cannot provide a clear idea of ​​the level of consciousness that divides any non-human vertebrate. In addition to the fact that humans seldom think of fish as food or pets, the fact that fish are used in scientific experiments is second only to mice. There are currently more than 32,000 known species, and the diversity of fish far outweighs all other vertebrates.