XGMA Triple 4YCT32 crusher passes technical appraisal

XYG Group Sanming Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. and Fuzhou University jointly developed the "production, research and research" cooperation project - 4YCT32 crusher compactor passed the expert technical appraisal organized by the Fujian Science and Technology Department at Fuzhou University.
After review by relevant experts, the overall layout of the aircraft is reasonable, the design is novel and innovative, and the main technical performance indicators have reached the international advanced level. It is a domestic first product, and the 4YCT32 crusher compactor project is the scientific and technological research project in Fujian Province in 2002 and focuses on “production. Academic research "cooperation project. Prototype trials were completed in October 2003 and a six-year industrial test was conducted on the highway construction site.
This machine is a kind of engineering equipment that combines the functions of road surface crushing and compaction. It is suitable for crushing and compaction of hard asphalt road surface, such as cement asphalt concrete, and can also be used for roads, airports, reservoirs, dams, ports, etc. Compaction can also be used for compaction after compaction of vibratory rollers and compaction of high-filled roadbeds. The machine has the characteristics of continuous compaction of the road surface, overcomes the shortcomings of current manual crushing of cement pavement, such as low efficiency and high labor intensity. After the road surface is broken, it directly presses the pieces into the roadbed, shortening the duration of the road maintenance. Significantly reducing the project cost is a very effective device in the transformation of old roads.
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