There are many Soviet gold beneficiation plant output of gold - arsenic flotation concentrate. Since the gold in the gold - arsenic concentrate has the characteristics of submicron particles, the cyanidation effect of the gold - arsenic flotation concentrate is not ideal. Such copper concentrate and copper smelter concentrate feed - also from smelting - some difficulty. This is because a portion of the blister copper and arsenic into the roaster gas, is bound to an adverse effect on the resultant product (copper cathode, sulfuric acid, etc.). At the same time, in individual smelters, the arsenic brought by such concentrates is about 50% of the total arsenic content of various materials . At present, arsenic is discharged as a mixed deposit of calcium sulfate and calcium arsenate in the process, and its sediment contains arsenic between 5 and 15% . Because of their high toxicity, they cost a lot of money to store them. In most of the processes that have been developed and proposed for the treatment of arsenic-containing concentrates, the method of converting arsenic into a less toxic product (sulfide) is promising. The above-described method for processing concentrates -, that is, into - the quantity of air, pelletized concentrate is oxidized - sulfated fired to arsenic sulfide discharged Phi sublimation, whereby burning of arsenic oxide slag . Thus, gold can be recovered from the oxidized cinder by cyanidation. The method is based arsenic removal of arsenic pyrite interacts with pyrite, generating four arsenic sulfide. The test samples were taken from a gold - arsenic flotation concentrate from a concentrator. The chemical composition is as follows, % : S10 2 34.1 ; Fel8.1 ; S (sulphide type sulfur) 12.3 ; Al 2 O 3 12.2 ; As 6.7 ; Ca0 3.4 ; Mg0 2.5 ; Au The sulfide minerals are arsenopyrite ( 14.6% ) and pyrite ( 17.6% ). The material size is 70%~74 microns. Determined by phase analysis, the main form of gold in the sample: Free gold that can be recovered by mercury        26.3% Partially disseminated gold that can be recovered by cyanidation  58.0% Gold covered by an oxide film      2.0% Submicron gold coated with sulfide    13.7% total    meter    100% After pre-grinding, the fineness of the material reaches 97%~74 microns, and the flotation concentrate is cyanated. After the leaching time was extended to 144 hours, the gold leaching rate did not exceed 86% . After the addition of lead salts and the alkali concentration is kept low, good results can not be obtained. Lower because gold recovery that - the part of the gold and sulfides closely associated, so that the gold can not be mechanically separated. Further research into the blast furnace is fed to a direction - quantity of air, oxidizing - sulfated firing process, so that refractory Jinfa Sheng thermochemical decomposition. After several consecutive tests, according to the analysis of the content of arsenic trioxide in the sublimate and the exhaust gas, the air consumption required for the sufficient absorption of oxygen in the air and the formation of arsenic anhydride (arsenic trioxide) in the sublimate was determined. . The air consumption can be determined from the total reaction formula. 16FeAsS+12FeS 2 +450 2 =14Fe 2 O 3 +4As 4 S 4 +24SO 2 In addition, the amount of air required for the oxidation of excess pyrite should also be considered. TPU Vacuum Casting,Custom Plastic Vacuum Casting Parts,Vacuum Casting Service,Custom Vacuum Casting Ningbo Jiongke Technology Co., Ltd ,